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Deploy to Your Blockchain

In this guide, you'll use cleos to deploy and test the wax smart contract you created and compiled in the Create a Smart Contract tutorial.

Before You Begin

  • nodeos must be running

    nodeos -e -p eosio \
        --plugin eosio::producer_plugin \
        --plugin eosio::chain_api_plugin \
        --plugin eosio::http_plugin \
        --access-control-allow-origin='*' \
        --contracts-console \
        --http-validate-host=false \
        --verbose-http-errors >> nodeos.log 2>&1 &
  • Your wallet must be Opened and Unlocked

    cleos wallet open
    cleos wallet unlock --password PW5KRXKVx25yjL3FvxxY9YxYxxYY9Yxx99yyXTRH8DjppKpD9tKtVz
  • You must create a WAX Account for your smart contract. Refer to Create Accounts if you haven't completed this step.

Deploy Your Smart Contract

To deploy your smart contract's WASM file to your local blockchain, use cleos set contract from the command line:

accountwaxsc1Your smart contract's account.
path/users/wax-blockchain/wax-cdt/mycontracts/waxFull path to your WASM file.
permission-p waxsc1@activeActive or Owner permission for your smart contract's account.
cleos set contract waxsc1 /users/wax-blockchain/wax-cdt/mycontracts/wax -p waxsc1@active

The console prints the following confirmation:

Reading WASM from /users/wax-blockchain/wax-cdt/mycontracts/wax/wax.wasm...
Publishing contract...
executed transaction: 8a79664a3f0457513fabaa5753c41b18588cb2994cd5e3164328eafc9663f7a8  2832 bytes  57440 us
#         eosio <= eosio::setcode               {"account":"waxsc1","vmtype":0,"vmversion":0,"code":"0061736d01000000013a0b60017f0060027f7f0060037f7...
#         eosio <= eosio::setabi                {"account":"waxsc1","abi":"0e656f73696f3a3a6162692f312e3100010567726565740000010000000080acd46505677...
warning: transaction executed locally, but may not be confirmed by the network yet         ]

Your smart contract should now be live on your local blockchain.

Test Your Smart Contract

To test your smart contract, use cleos push action from the command line:

accountwaxsc1Your smart contract's account.
actionhiName of action.
datastream'["YourName"]'Enter your name or any other string.
permission-p waxsc1@activeActive or Owner permission for your smart contract's account.
cleos push action waxsc1 hi '["YourName"]' -p waxsc1@active

The console prints the following:

executed transaction: 6a0b1489d903f2cacc6480830358f07aaf65b20bf1d7e855dc20097f4d64dc52  104 bytes  1727 us
#        waxsc2 <= waxsc2::hi                   {"nm":"YourName"}
>> Name : YourName
warning: transaction executed locally, but may not be confirmed by the network yet         ]

If you receive an error that the transaction took too long, run cleos push action again. If you still receive an error, try restarting nodeos.

Error 3080006: Transaction took too long
Error Details:
deadline exceeded
pending console output: